Life in many shades of blue.

Life in many shades of blue. Oil paint on panel. 40 x 50cm.
It was blue week in the brilliant life class I go to every Friday. The only other colour used was a small amount of unbleached titanium white. There’s Prussian blue, cobalt turquoise, Manganese blue, Windsor blue, Cyan, Cobalt, Permanent blue and French Ultramarine mixed with titanium white. A lot of fan brush was used with pure, thick oil paint. Nice to go into the subtleties of a tonal range. Using one colour gives it a certain style and makes it zing out of any colour in a room. This may well be exhibited.

1. The unframed work.
2. The painting seems to be very sensitive to light, this is the work not in sunlight, very blue.
3. The work at the middle stage, about an hour and a half in.
4. A sketchbook study made at the same time.
5, 6 and 7. Details.

About Trevor Mill

This is my work. Art & Design. The fruits of my labour. Commissions / projects welcome.
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2 Responses to Life in many shades of blue.

  1. Nice figure work, Trevor. Your brush work, values, and form always offer great interest.

    Tom Donovan

    • Trevor Mill says:

      Hi Aspiring,
      many thanks, the values of this paint are fun as there are many but almost all in the same range. I was going to add a spot of red, which would have really thrown the eye. The fan brush really helped the painting get into focus and give it direction if you know what I mean. Only having the yellowish tint on the skin was a good decision. Fun.

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